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Scarica e installa Voltura 2.0 - Telematica con la Scrivania del Territorio


How to Download Voltura 2.0: A Guide for Cadastral Transfers

If you are involved in a cadastral transfer, such as buying, selling, inheriting, or donating a property, you need to update the cadastral records with the new ownership information. This process is called voltura catastale in Italian, and it requires a specific software for its compilation and transmission: Voltura 2.0.

download voltura 2.0

In this article, we will explain what Voltura 2.0 is, why you need it, how to download it from the Agenzia delle Entrate website, and how to use it to compile and submit your cadastral transfer document.

What is Voltura 2.0 and why do you need it?

Voltura 2.0 is a software developed by the Agenzia delle Entrate, the Italian tax authority, for the compilation and transmission of cadastral transfer documents.

Voltura 2.0 is a software for the compilation and transmission of cadastral transfers

A cadastral transfer document is a form that contains all the information about the parties involved in a property transfer, such as their personal data, tax codes, addresses, etc., as well as the details of the properties transferred, such as their location, identification number, category, value, etc.

The purpose of this document is to update the cadastral records with the new ownership information, so that the tax authorities can calculate and collect the taxes related to the property transfer.

Voltura 2.0 is a software that allows you to create, edit, save, print, export, and transmit your cadastral transfer document in an easy and fast way.

Voltura 2.0 allows you to access real-time information from the cadastral and tax databases

One of the main advantages of Voltura 2.0 is that it uses interactive services that allow you to query, in real time, the information stored in the cadastral and tax databases, as well as in Anagrafe Tributaria (the Italian tax registry).

This means that you can easily access and verify all the data that you need for your cadastral transfer document, such as:

How to download voltura 2.0 for free

Download voltura 2.0 telematica from Scrivania del Territorio

Voltura 2.0 software installation guide

Download voltura 2.0 offline mode

Voltura 2.0 online vs offline comparison

Download voltura 2.0 for Windows 10

Voltura 2.0 system requirements and compatibility

Download voltura 2.0 latest version

Voltura 2.0 update and troubleshooting

Download voltura 2.0 for Mac OS

Voltura 2.0 user manual and tutorial

Download voltura 2.0 for cadastral transfers in Italy

Voltura 2.0 features and benefits

Download voltura 2.0 alternatives and competitors

Voltura 2.0 reviews and ratings

Download voltura 2.0 with digital signature or hash verification

Voltura 2.0 login and authentication process

Download voltura 2.0 for professional categories authorized by the Italian Revenue Agency

Voltura 2.0 interactive services and real-time information

Download voltura 2.0 for USB support or other channels

Voltura 2.0 compliance and quality control

Download voltura 2.0 for Docfa, Docte, Pregeo, Unimod integration

Voltura 2.0 migration to SIT - Sistema Integrato del Territorio

Download voltura 2.0 for desktop territory program

Voltura 2.0 data exchange with cadastral and mortgage databases

  • The personal data and tax codes of all the subjects involved in the transfer;

  • The location, identification number, category, value, etc., of all the properties involved in the transfer;

  • The fees and taxes that you have to pay for your cadastral transfer;

  • The documents that you have to attach to your cadastral transfer document.

This way, you can avoid errors, omissions, and delays in your cadastral transfer process.

Voltura 2.0 is available for different types of users and modalities

Voltura 2.0 is a software that can be used by different types of users, depending on their role and needs. For example:

  • If you are an individual who wants to compile and submit your own cadastral transfer document, you can use Voltura 2.0 as a self-service tool;

  • If you are a professional who assists other people in their cadastral transfers, such as a notary, a lawyer, or a real estate agent, you can use Voltura 2.0 as a service provider tool;

  • If you are a public official who works for the Agenzia delle Entrate or another public administration, you can use Voltura 2.0 as a public service tool.

Voltura 2.0 is also available for different modalities of transmission, depending on your internet connection and the type of document that you want to submit. For example:

  • If you have an internet connection and you want to submit a standard cadastral transfer document, you can use Voltura 2.0 in online mode, which allows you to transmit your document directly from the software to the Agenzia delle Entrate;

  • If you do not have an internet connection or you want to submit a special cadastral transfer document, such as a correction or a cancellation, you can use Voltura 2.0 in offline mode, which allows you to save your document in a file and transmit it later through other channels, such as email, fax, or post.

How to download Voltura 2.0 from the Agenzia delle Entrate website

If you want to use Voltura 2.0 for your cadastral transfer, you need to download it from the Agenzia delle Entrate website. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

You need to register on the Scrivania del Territorio platform to access Voltura 2.0

The first step is to register on the Scrivania del Territorio platform, which is the online portal that allows you to access all the services related to the cadastral and tax databases.

To register on the Scrivania del Territorio platform, you need to:

  • Go to the and click on the Servizi online section;

  • Select the Catasto e cartografia option and then click on the Scrivania del Territorio link;

  • Click on the Registrati button and fill in the registration form with your personal data, email address, and password;

  • Confirm your registration by clicking on the link that you will receive by email.

You need to verify the digital signature or the hash of the software before downloading it

The second step is to verify the digital signature or the hash of the software before downloading it. This is important to ensure that the software is authentic and has not been tampered with.

To verify the digital signature or the hash of the software, you need to:

  • Go to the on the Agenzia delle Entrate website;

  • Select the version of Voltura 2.0 that suits your operating system (Windows or Linux) and click on the Scarica il software button;

  • Select the option to save the file on your computer and choose a folder where you want to save it;

  • Check the digital signature or the hash of the file that you have downloaded by comparing it with the ones that are displayed on the download page;

  • If they match, proceed with the installation of Voltura 2.0; if they do not match, delete the file and repeat the download process.

You need to follow the instructions for the installation and configuration of Voltura 2.0

The third step is to follow the instructions for the installation and configuration of Voltura 2.0.

To install and configure Voltura 2.0, you need to:

  • Open the file that you have downloaded and follow the installation wizard that will guide you through the process;

  • Accept the terms and conditions of use of Voltura 2.0 and choose the folder where you want to install it;

  • Wait for the installation to complete and launch Voltura 2.0 from the shortcut that will be created on your desktop or in your start menu;

  • Enter your email address and password that you have used to register on the Scrivania del Territorio platform and click on the Accedi button;

  • Select the user category and the modality that correspond to your needs and click on the Avvia button;

  • Configure the settings of Voltura 2.0 according to your preferences, such as the language, the font size, the proxy, etc.

How to use Voltura 2.0 to compile and submit cadastral transfers

Once you have downloaded, installed, and configured Voltura 2.0, you can start using it to compile and submit your cadastral transfer document. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

You need to select the type of document and the information of the company or the individual

The first step is to select the type of document that you want to create and enter the information of the company or the individual that is compiling it.

To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Nuovo documento button on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the type of document that suits your case, such as Voltura ordinaria, Voltura per successione, Voltura per donazione, etc.;

  • Enter the information of the company or the individual that is compiling the document, such as their name, tax code, address, email, phone number, etc.;

  • Click on the Salva button to save your document.

You need to insert the data of the subjects involved in the transfer and verify them in the Anagrafe Tributaria

The second step is to insert the data of all the subjects involved in the transfer, such as the seller, the buyer, the heir, the donor, etc., and verify them in the Anagrafe Tributaria.

To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Soggetti tab on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the role of each subject involved in the transfer, such as Cedente, Cessionario, Erede, Donante, etc.;

  • Enter their personal data, tax code, address, email, phone number, etc.;

  • Click on the Ricerca Anagrafe Tributaria button to verify their data in the Anagrafe Tributaria, which is the Italian tax registry that contains all the information about the taxpayers;

  • Check if the data are correct and consistent; if not, correct them or report them to the Agenzia delle Entrate;

  • Click on the Salva button to save the data of each subject.

You need to insert the data of the properties involved in the transfer and verify them in the Catasto and Ipoteca databases

The third step is to insert the data of all the properties involved in the transfer, such as their location, identification number, category, value, etc., and verify them in the Catasto and Ipoteca databases.

To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Immobili tab on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the type of property that you want to insert, such as Fabbricato, Terreno, Diritto reale, etc.;

  • Enter their data, such as their location, identification number, category, value, etc.;

  • Click on the Ricerca Catasto button to verify their data in the Catasto database, which is the Italian cadastral database that contains all the information about the properties;

  • Click on the Ricerca Ipoteca button to verify their data in the Ipoteca database, which is the Italian mortgage database that contains all the information about the mortgages and other encumbrances on the properties;

  • Check if the data are correct and consistent; if not, correct them or report them to the Agenzia delle Entrate;

  • Click on the Salva button to save the data of each property.

You need to check the correctness and completeness of the document and export it in XML format

The fourth step is to check the correctness and completeness of your cadastral transfer document and export it in XML format.

To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Verifica documento button on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Review your document and check if there are any errors or warnings that need to be fixed or acknowledged;

  • If there are no errors or warnings, click on the Esporta documento button to export your document in XML format, which is a standard format for data exchange;

  • Select a folder where you want to save your XML file and give it a name;

  • Click on the Salva button to save your XML file.

You need to pay the fees and taxes and attach the required documents

The fifth step is to pay the fees and taxes that are due for your cadastral transfer and attach the required documents that prove your payment and your identity.

To do this, you need to:

  • Click on the Calcola tributi button on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Enter the information about the type and amount of the fees and taxes that you have to pay, such as the imposta ipotecaria, the imposta catastale, the imposta di registro, etc.;

  • Click on the Stampa bollettino button to print the payment slip that you have to use to pay the fees and taxes at a bank or a post office;

  • Pay the fees and taxes and keep the receipt of your payment;

  • Scan or take a picture of your receipt and save it as a PDF file;

  • Click on the Allegati tab on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the type of document that you want to attach, such as Ricevuta di pagamento, Copia del documento di identità, Copia dell'atto notarile, etc.;

  • Select the PDF file that contains your document and click on the Allega button to attach it to your cadastral transfer document.

You need to transmit the document online or offline depending on your user category

The final step is to transmit your cadastral transfer document to the Agenzia delle Entrate, either online or offline, depending on your user category and your internet connection.

To do this, you need to:

  • If you are using Voltura 2.0 in online mode, click on the Trasmetti documento button on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the option to transmit your document directly from the software to the Agenzia delle Entrate;

  • Wait for the confirmation message that will inform you that your document has been successfully transmitted and received by the Agenzia delle Entrate;

  • If you are using Voltura 2.0 in offline mode, click on the Esporta documento button on the main menu of Voltura 2.0;

  • Select the option to save your document in a file and choose a folder where you want to save it;

  • Select a channel through which you want to transmit your document, such as email, fax, or post;

  • Send your document to the Agenzia delle Entrate using the channel that you have chosen and wait for their response.


Voltura 2.0 is a software that allows you to compile and submit your cadastral transfer document in an easy and fast way. It is available for different types of users and modalities, and it allows you to access real-time information from the cadastral and tax databases.

To use Voltura 2.0, you need to download it from the Agenzia delle Entrate website, register on the Scrivania del Territorio platform, verify the digital signature or the hash of the software, install and configure it, select the type of document and the information of the company or the individual, insert the data of the subjects and the properties involved in the transfer, check the correctness and completeness of the document, pay the fees and taxes and attach the required documents, and transmit the document online or offline depending on your user category.

By following these steps, you will be able to complete your cadastral transfer process in a simple and efficient way.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Voltura 2.0 and how to download it:

Q: Is Voltura 2.0 free?

A: Yes, Voltura 2.0 is a free software that you can download from the Agenzia delle Entrate website. However, you still have to pay the fees and taxes that are due for your cadastral transfer.

Q: Do I need an internet connection to use Voltura 2.0?

A: It depends on your user category and the type of document that you want to submit. If you are using Voltura 2.0 in online mode, you need an internet connection to access the interactive services and to transmit your document directly from the software. If you are using Voltura 2.0 in offline mode, you do not need an internet connection to compile your document, but you need it to transmit it later through other channels.

Q: How long does it take to receive a response from the Agenzia delle Entrate after transmitting my document?

A: It depends on the channel that you have used to transmit your document and on the workload of the Agenzia delle Entrate. If you have transmitted your document online, you should receive a confirmation message within a few minutes. If you have transmitted your document offline, you should receive a response within a few days.

Q: What should I do if I find an error or a discrepancy in the data that I have entered or verified in Voltura 2.0?

A: If you find an error or a discrepancy in the data that you have entered or verified in Voltura 2.0, you should correct it or report it to the Agenzia delle Entrate as soon as possible. You can contact them by phone, email, or through their website.

Q: Where can I find more information and support about Voltura 2.0 and how to download it?

A: You can find more information and support about Voltura 2.0 and how to download it on the Agenzia delle Entrate website, where you can access the user manual, the video tutorials, the FAQs, and the contacts of their customer service. 44f88ac181


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